Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2202
Situación educativa de personas con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso: discapacidad física e intelectual
The research aims to analyze and interpret the educational situation of a teenage girl with Multiple Disabilities in the city of Cuenca, who attends a therapeutic stimulation center. Observing the different factors and a ...
Situación socio educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple: estudio de caso por Accidente Cerebro Vascular
This research seeks to improve the quality of life of a 16-year-old who suddenly suffered a stroke and the aftermath are multiple disabilities, evaluations are applied and their potentialities, abilities, dreams and goals ...
Situación educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso: Síndrome de Microlisencefalia
The research is justified insofar as it seeks to understand the educational situation of the population with multiple disabilities. For its development, the objective of analyzing the educational situation of a 13-year-old ...
Situación educativa de personas con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso: discapacidad intelectual moderada y física
This research is carried out in the search for conditions on educational processes of the population with multiple disabilities, with the aim of improving the quality of life of learners with intellectual and physical ...
Situación educativa de población con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso: discapacidad intelectual profunda y motriz
Due to the difficulties and limitations faced by the young woman with multiple disabilities, an analysis of her educational and family situation was carried out, with the application of instruments such as; the individual ...
Situación educativa de personas con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso: parálisis cerebral
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research report is to make known the current situation of a young person with multiple disabilities, using information collection tools that allow reflecting their educational situation, a ...
Situación educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso: epilepsia PSDH 19
The main objective is to analyze the educational, family and social situation of a girl with multiple disabilities. For this purpose; the functional educational evaluation were applied. From this a person-centered planning ...
Situación educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple, estudio de caso único de un joven de 19 años con discapacidad múltiple de base intelectual y física
Investigative work about the Educational Situation of the population with Multiple Disabilities, Case study of a 19-year-old young man with multiple intellectual and physical disabilities, based on the analysis, a Protocol ...
Programa “KIM” para el desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples: kinestésico, musical e interpersonal en los niños con necesidades educativas especiales en la Institución Educativa “Niño Jesús” Catacaos - Piura 2010
(Universidad César VallejoPE, 2014)
La investigación denominada Programa “KIM” para el desarrollo de las Inteligencias
Múltiples: Kinestésico, Musical e Interpersonal en los niños con necesidades educativas
especiales en la Institución Educativa “Niño ...