Now showing items 1-10 of 556
Nanotechnologies, l'invisible révolution
(Le Cavalier Bleu, 2017)
Les nanotechnologies sont des technologies de pointe très récentes qui pourtant nous accompagnent déjà au quotidien (cosmétique, vêtements, automobile, médecine, etc.). En quelques décennies, elles sont devenues un enjeu ...
Egg yolk antibodies and nanotechnology applied to animal health and production
(Crimson, 2018-05)
Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing area of science and technology, which deals with the application, production and processing of materials with sizes less than 100nm (a nanometer being one billionth of a meter). In ...
Nanotechnological strategies as smart ways for diagnosis and treatment of the atherosclerosis
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2018-12)
Atherosclerosis provokes a continuous worsening of affected vessels causing a blood flow diminution with several complications and with clinical manifestations that generally appear in advanced phases of the illness. Hence, ...
Role of nanotechnology in the management of indoor fungi
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2020)
Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment and seek to colonize and grow on diverse materials as part of their life cycle. They constitute complex biofilms on surfaces and deteriorate the indoor air quality even under adverse ...
Nanotechnology Trends in the Food Industry: Recent Developments, Risks, and Regulation
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018)
Research in nanotechnology has extremely high potential to benefit society through the food industry. Results indicate that the current focus of nanotechnology research for this sector is in five areas: (1) food processing, ...
At source of nanotechnology
(Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), 2014-01-15)
Nanotechnology is a broad field of modern science and also engineering, which creates, potentially, endless possibilities. This term is most often defined as the preparation and use of structures in which at least one ...