Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 888
Interdisciplinary Educational Practices: development of knowledge and skills for the training of teachers of the Interdisciplinary Pibid
(Univ Federal Sergipe, 2016-09-01)
Interdisciplinary educational practices for the development of knowledge and skills for teachers Supervisors of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Grants (Pibid), specifically the Interdisciplinary subproject ...
Evaluation of teaching and mathematical knowledge in primary teachers for the teaching of probability
To provide information to transform teaching practice through improved primary school mathematics teacher training (6-12 years), a tool to assess the mathematical knowledge for teaching didactic probability has been designed. ...
Análise de uma proposta de ensino de ciências interdisciplinar na perspectiva histórico-crítica com o uso da WebQuest
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e da NaturezaUTFPR, 2016-12-02)
The present research is outlined in the continuing education of Basic Education teachers, initial years of Elementary School in the city of Londrina / PR, having in principle dimensions in terms of the benefits of ...
Plantas medicinais como tema gerador de uma proposta interdisciplinar
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáDois VizinhosBrasilAgronomiaUTFPR, 2016-06-09)
This study aimed to raise new methodologies in interdisciplinary education in the state school Monteiro Lobato in Dois Vizinhos - PR, using interdisciplinarity in teaching medicinal plants in the disciplines of science, ...
A utilização do aquário como ferramenta de aprendizagem interdisciplinar no ensino de ciências
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2014-03-29)
The country's education suffers many doubts and is visible the need for changes in the teaching learning process. Interdisciplinary practice lessons can be an alternative to significant improvements in this process. The ...
Interdisciplinaridade e ensino: espaços para reflexão na formação de professores
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciência e TecnologiaUTFPR, 2017-12-15)
This present work had as its main objective to analyze the theoretical and practical concepts of a Licentiate course based in an interdisciplinary proposal. The theoretical reference used to approach and understand the ...
Propostas didáticas inovadoras: recursos e estratégias para o ensino de ciências
(EDUTFPRLondrinaBrasil, 2019)
This book aims to present chapters that have didactic sequences’ Basic Education proposals for Science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry Teaching. The chapters are the result of part of research work by masters and professors ...
Concepções de interdisciplinaridade: o Programa Ensino Médio Inovador
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento RegionalUTFPR, 2016-02-29)
The Interdisciplinary practice opens in the context of Basic Education guiding new looks in the production of knowledge. It is necessary to reflect the interdisciplinarity as scientific and epistemological stance and its ...
Práticas Educativas Interdisciplinares: desenvolvimento dos saberes e fazeres para a formação de professores do Pibid Interdisciplinar
(Univ Federal Sergipe, 2016-12)
As práticas educativas interdisciplinares para o desenvolvimento dos saberes e fazeres à professores Supervisores do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid), especificamente do subprojeto ...
Levantamento, avaliação e sugestão de tecnologias educacionais para aplicação em aulas de biologia
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2011-09-17)
This work have as subject Educational.Technology, which refers to the processes by means teachers can diversify their teaching practices in classroom and provide student learning, thus ensuring a comprehensive knowledge ...