Análise de uma proposta de ensino de ciências interdisciplinar na perspectiva histórico-crítica com o uso da WebQuest
2016-12-02Registro en:
SCHURCH, Giselle Palermo. Análise de uma proposta de ensino de ciências interdisciplinar na perspectiva histórico-crítica com o uso da WebQuest. 2016. 162 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e da Natureza) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2016.
Schurch, Giselle Palermo
The present research is outlined in the continuing education of Basic Education teachers, initial years of Elementary School in the city of Londrina / PR, having in principle dimensions in terms of the benefits of interdisciplinary work in Science Teaching in the Historical-Critical perspective, using the WebQuest. For this study, it was necessary a orientation among the teachers, presenting a theoretical reference, which lists the teacher formation in the view of Nóvoa (2009); Veiga (2002); the Historical-Critical Pedagogy from the perspective of Saviani (1983; 2008); Gasparin (2012); and the Interactive Didactic Sequence based in Oliveira (2013) with the intention of contributing to the planning of their actions in the classroom, to offer a systematization of the content to be pedagogically worked. The paper aims to investigate and implement resources and strategies for the teaching of interdisciplinary Science, providing subsidies for the elaboration of a lesson planning, according to the theoretical methodological contribution of Historical-Critical Pedagogy. The relevance of this study is to offer an interdisciplinary Science Teaching through a new educational strategy with the use of didactic resources. The main research question was to investigate how an interdisciplinary Science Teaching course, through the use of WebQuest, could contribute to the continued formation of the participating teachers, based on the theoretical-methodological contribution of Historical-Critical Pedagogy. For this, a course called "Interdisciplinary Science Teaching in Historical-Critical Perspective" was developed with the analysis carried out by the teachers of an Interactive Didactic Sequence IDS (elaborated by the researcher), taking into account their didactic experiences and knowledge about the subject. From a qualitative approach, the paper was developed through the field research as Bogdan and Biklen (1994). For the organization and interpretive reading of the data, was used the content analysis of Bardin (2011), which revealed, in synthesis, among to the results, the change of posture, the improvement of the content forwarded, the exploration and interest of these teachers as to the elaboration of a sequence of lesson plans based on Historical-Critical Pedagogy in an interdisciplinary perspective. Through this research, it was verified that the proposal of continuing teacher training, proved to be appropriate, satisfactory and had its objectives reached by providing subsidies for pedagogical practice, guided by didactic planning that relates theory and practice, with reflections that allowed the analysis of didactic experiences, for a projection of new ways of acting in the classroom, associated with the use of the new technology to WebQuest. It was verified that the planning of lessons, in the Interdisciplinary Sciences Teaching in a Historical-Critical perspective, contributed to the process of organization of a pedagogical work, allowing the flexibility of the educational practice and also the appreciation of the singularity of the students, being possible the articulation, elaboration of pedagogical strategies and procedures, in order to promote curricular enrichment in the educational system and, consequently, to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process.