A utilização do aquário como ferramenta de aprendizagem interdisciplinar no ensino de ciências
2014-03-29Registro en:
ROCHA, Danilo Luiz da. A utilização do aquário como ferramenta de aprendizagem interdisciplinar no ensino de ciências. 2014. 31 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
Rocha, Danilo Luiz da
The country's education suffers many doubts and is visible the need for changes in the teaching learning process. Interdisciplinary practice lessons can be an alternative to significant improvements in this process. The aquarium in school is an excellent educational tool, since it can provide the introduction of complex issues through simple activities, in addition, the aquarium can be used to develop the scientific knowledge. The areas covered by this study were mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and environmental education. For each discipline was prepared simple activities that can be developed by teachers, providing interdisciplinary practice and thus greater assimilation of content by students. The activities were conducted in the Municipal Primary School Thereza Colette Ometto , located in the municipality of Araras, São Paulo. Participated in the project students enrolled in 5th and 6th grade of EJA in 2013. This work of completion presented a set of interdisciplinary practical activities in science teaching conducted by deploying an aquarium in a school environment. A survey was also conducted to examine students' views before and after the development of activities related to science classes and about using an aquarium as a teaching tool. The results showed satisfactory due to the large involvement of students in performing activities as the answers provided in the questionnaires.