Now showing items 1-10 of 682
Geology of guapiara topographic sheet in 1:50.000.Geologia da folha topográfica guapiara na escala 1:50.000.
Geology of Guapiara Topographic Sheet in 1:50.000. The region of Guapiara Topographic Sheet is located in the extreme South of the São Paulo state and it is comprised in the central portion of the Mantiqueira Province in ...
Landslides Zonation Hazard: Relation between geological structures and landslides occurrence in hilly tropical regions of Brazil
This paper presents a new approach of landslides zonation hazard studies, based on an integrated study of structural data along with geomorphological and external factors, in a hilly regions of Brazil, covered by a tropical ...
Structural characterization of the south portion of the Guarinos Greenstone Belt, GO
(Soc Brasileira Geologia, 2013-12-01)
Geological mapping in the southern portion of the Guarinos Greenstone Belt in the state of Goias, Brazil, led to the characterization of structural features and recognition of the following lithostratigraphic units: Serra ...
Geology and tectonic of the capÃo bonito topographic 1:50.000 map, southeast of sÃo paulo stateGeologia e tectônica da folha topográfica de capão bonito na escala 1:50.000, sudeste do estado de são paulo
The 1: 50.000 Capão Bonito Topographic Map is situated at the southern end of São Paulo state, in the south-central Ribeira Belt, in the northern portion of the Apiaí Terrain. The area involves rocks from the Açungui ...
Assessment of landslide occurrences in Serra do Mar mountain range using kinematic analyses
Due to its meteorological, geological and geomorphological settings, Brazilian’s Atlantic coast have suffered severe landslide phenomena, particularly along the cost of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Santa Catarina states. ...
PhotoLin: a program to identify and analyze linear structures in aerial photographs, satellite images and maps
(Elsevier B.V., 2001-06-01)
A computer program, PhotoLin, written for an IBM-PC-compatible microcomputer is described which detects linear features in aerial photographs, satellite images and topographic maps. The program accepts images saved to PCX ...
Subsurface geological modeling of Corrientes province (NE Argentina) and its relationships with the Guaraní Aquifer system function
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-10)
From the integration results of geological and geophysical data, a subsurface geological model of the Corrientes province (Argentina) that allows visualizing its deep geological structure and how it affected the Guaraní ...