Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 173
The Civil Law Tradition, the Pinochet Constitution and Judge Eugenio Valenzuela
The depersonalization of the courts that the civil law tradition encourages makes it less
likely that judges in those types of jurisdictions will become towering judges or, at least, it
will make their influential ...
The civil liability statute in the geneva conventions and its application by the chilean courts of justice
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2020)
This article examines the discussion on the prescription of civil remedial actions in cases of crimes against humanity, and especially, Chilean judges’ interpretation on this statute, applying the 1949 Geneva Conventions. ...
The concept of a person in the chilean Civil Code: Criteria, grounds and normative consequences [El concepto de persona en el Código Civil: Criterios, fundamentos y consecuencias normativas].
During the last decades, civil dogmatic has dealt more intensely with the concept of a person. The constitutionalisation of civil law and the emergence of bioethical problems have triggered an increasing attention to it. ...
Multiple Tortfeasors under the Chilean Law