The civil liability statute in the geneva conventions and its application by the chilean courts of justice
2020Registro en:
Carrera de Derecho, en tanto Directora de la Carrera en Campus Santiago
Doctorados, en tanto investigadora miembro del Claustro doctoral en la línea de investigación de Justicia Constitucional y Derechos Humanos
Instituto de Investigación en Derecho, en tanto investigadora del Instituto
Díaz Tolosa, Regina Ingrid
This article examines the discussion on the prescription of civil remedial actions in cases of crimes against humanity, and especially, Chilean judges’ interpretation on this statute, applying the 1949 Geneva Conventions. According to the canons of interpretation of International Law, it is consid-ered as basic principle the reparation of the victims (or their families) of violations of human dignity, therefore the imprescriptibly of these crimes are ap-plicable not only to criminal liability, also to civil.