Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1076
Doctors and healthcare workers at frontline of COVID 19 epidemic: Admiration, a pat on the back, and need for extreme caution
Dr Li Wenliang (China), an ophthalmologist in Wuhan General
Hospital, was a hero in more ways than one. He was first to warn
about possible outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) like illness (later termed ...
How to reduce epidemic peaks keeping under control the time-span of the epidemic
One of the main challenges of the measures against the COVID-19 epidemic is to reduce the amplitude
of the epidemic peak without increasing without control its timescale. We investigate this problem using
the SIR model ...
The value of mitigating epidemic peaks of COVID-19 for more effective public health responses
(Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2020)
Application of the ARIMA model on the COVID-2019 epidemic dataset
(Elsevier, 2020)
The opioid epidemic during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on HIV and HCV control
The opioid epidemic is a tragedy in the United States. In the 12-month period that ended in April 2021, more than 100,000 US citizens died of drug overdose, up almost 30% from the 78,000 deaths in the prior year.
Modeling COVID-19 epidemic in Heilongjiang province, China
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) surges worldwide. However, massive imported patients especially into Heilongjiang Province in China recently have been an alert for local COVID-19 outbreak. We
collected data from ...
Distinctive trajectories of COVID-19 epidemic by age and gender: a retrospective modeling of the epidemic in South Korea
Objectives: Elderly people had suffered disproportional burden of COVID-19. We hypothesized
that males and females in different age groups might have different epidemic trajectories.
Methods: Using publicly available ...
Need for sustainable biobanking networks for COVID-19 and other diseases of epidemic potential
Outbreaks of infectious diseases are occurring with increasing frequency and unpredictability. The rapid development
and deployment of diagnostics that can accurately and quickly identify pathogens as part of epidemic ...
Early characteristics of the COVID-19 outbreak predict the subsequent epidemic scope
Objectives: The mostly-resolved first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in China provided a unique
opportunity to investigate how the initial characteristics of the COVID-19 outbreak predictits subsequent
Methods: ...
Second wave of COVID-19 is determined by immune mechanism
(Elsevier, 2020)