Doctors and healthcare workers at frontline of COVID 19 epidemic: Admiration, a pat on the back, and need for extreme caution
Misra, Anoop
Dr Li Wenliang (China), an ophthalmologist in Wuhan General
Hospital, was a hero in more ways than one. He was first to warn
about possible outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) like illness (later termed as Coronavirus Disease-2019 or
Covid-19), faced opposition from authorities, and later died on
February 7, 2020 after treating patients of Covid-19 admitted in
intensive Care Unit (ICU). As I write this, 45 days later, Pandemic is
raging, and other doctors have died or are critically sick [1]. But all is
not bad news, heroic efforts of doctors in Wuhan have contained
the epidemic, permitting many physicians to leave this virusravaged city for the first time, but not before posing for a picture
in which they are all cheering in complete personal protection