Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 139
Do bail-in no Brasil: reorganização societária e patrimonial da instituição financeira em crise
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilDIREITO - FACULDADE DE DIREITOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em DireitoUFMG, 2019-02-22)
Considering that Brazil has committed to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to adopt bail-in in order to increase the financial sector stability and to enable a fast and orderly reaction to financial crisis through the ...
Temporalidades liminares e liminoides. Música e semiotical blues nos bailes da saudade de BelémLiminar and liminoid temporalities. Music and semiotical blues in the longging balls of Belém
(Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em ComunicaçãoBrasil, 2022)
Mecanismos de segunda geração e o novo standard internacional de regimes especiais bancários
Os eventos financeiros do período 2007-2009 - crise do subprime - mostraram algumas das fragilidades das instituições financeiras. Os mecanismos de resolução bancária – ferramentas de reestruturação de instituições financeiras ...
Two essays on contingent convertible bonds and their impacts on future financial crises
The objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding of the determinants of CoCo bond issuance and their effects in a financial distress scenario. The results suggest that the propensity of banks to issue CoCo bonds ...
O circuito bregueiro de Belém do Pará: compreendendo a dimensão ocupacional dos Bailes da Saudade
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional - PPGTOCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-02-16)
In the city of Belém do Pará, Brega music parties find a privileged scenario of artistic expression, carrying with them different meanings, as such: affective memories linked to leisure, sociability networks between family ...
Informe Ayotzinapa
(Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes (GIEI), 2015)
La comunicación no verbal en la expresión corporal de la danza del vientre.
This academic article analyzes nonverbal communication in the bodily expression of Belly Dance, identifying the meanings and movements that take place within it. In the first part of this work the historical significance ...
Eco de un baile
(Ensayos: Historia y teoría del arte, 1998)
In the 1890's music composition in Colombia was still in the realm ofsocial dance music. A few interesting attempts were made in the field ofthe religious repertoire, opera and zarzuela. But, the waltz, the polka, themarch ...