La comunicación no verbal en la expresión corporal de la danza del vientre.
Matehu Santacruz, Karla Monserrath
Vargas Montero, Sonia Andrea
This academic article analyzes nonverbal communication in the bodily expression of Belly Dance, identifying the meanings and movements that take place within it. In the first part of this work the historical significance is evidenced, making known rituals and scenarios in which all these nonverbal manifestations and communicational elements that coexist within the Belly Dance were carried out. The second part refers to the methodology in which it is made known, the exploratory approach, since it is a little studied topic and the literature that is found is limited, so several theoretical contributions and collection instruments were used with the This research was supported and were: semiotics, proxemics, participant observation and in-depth interviews. In the third part, the results obtained through the different sources of information are announced, making it known that Belly Dance is one of the oldest forms of artistic expression. However, over time it has been modified and created mergers with various genres, this as a result of the mixture of customs in different parts of the world. And in the fourth part it is concluded that it is a nonverbal artistic expression of the culture of the Middle East, it has semiotic studies, since it is a carrier of cultural meanings, through the elements that compose it.