Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1294
R-álgebras de dimensão finita
(Universidade Federal de SergipeMestrado Profissional em MatemáticaBrasilUFS, 2017)
We prove that the prime radical rad M of the free Malcev algebra M of rank more than two over a field of characteristic not equal 2 coincides with the set of all universally Engelian elements of M. Moreover, let T(M) be ...
Algebraic functions in Łukasiewicz implication algebras
(World Scientific, 2016-03)
In this article we study algebraic functions in {→, 1}-subreducts of MV-algebras, also known as Łukasiewicz implication algebras. A function is algebraic on an algebra A if it is definable by a conjunction of equations on ...
Nuclear elements of degree 6 in the free alternative algebra
(A K PETERS LTD, 2008)
We construct five new elements of degree 6 in the nucleus of the free alternative algebra. We use the representation theory of the symmetric group to locate the elements. We use the computer algebra system ALBERT and an ...
On the theorem of the primitive element with applications to the representation theory of associative and Lie algebras
We describe all finite dimensional uniserial representations of a commutative associative (resp. abelian Lie) algebra over a perfect (resp. sufficiently large perfect) field. In the Lie case the size of the field depends ...
On plenary train algebras of rank 4
The existence of idempotent elements in plenary train algebras of rank greater than 3, is an open problem to be solved. J. Carlos Gutierrez's results on plenary train algebras in Gutierrez (2000) are based on the underlying ...
The centre of generic algebras of small PI algebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2013)
An evolution algebra in population genetics
(Elsevier Inc., 2014)
We consider an evolution algebra which corresponds to a bisexual population with a set of females partitioned into finitely many different types and the males having only one type. We study basic properties of the algebra. ...
Universal Poisson Envelope for Binary-Lie Algebras
In this article the universal Poisson enveloping algebra for a binary-Lie algebra is constructed. Taking a basis B{double-struck} of a binary-Lie algebra B, we consider the symmetric algebra S(B) of polynomials in the ...