THE ICONIC INTENSITIES OF “AMERINDIAN PERSPECTIVISM”. THE AMAZONIC LEVEL OF THE ANIMAL-BECOMING BETWEEN DERRIDA AND DELEUZE: Amazonic thoughts and iconic intensities. The animal becoming between Deleuze-Guattari, Derrida and Viveiros de Castro
Pensamientos amazónicos e intensidades icónicas. El devenir animal entre Deleuze-Guattari, Derrida y Viveiros de Castro.: Amazonic thoughts and iconic intensities. The animal becoming between Deleuze-Guattari, Derrida and Viveiros de Castro
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Vignola, Jacopo
The dialogue between Derrida and the Amazonian thought goes back to Of grammatology, questioning the ethnocentrism underlying the Levi-Straussian interpretation of the Nambikwara’s written learning. On the other hand, Deleuze and Guattari defend a mutual deterritorialization between man and animal that, through the tension between 'major' and 'minor', marks the possibility of our becomings. Only the minor constitutes a becoming-of-thought capable of promoting unpredictable manifestations of life. Despite a certain distance between Derrida and the deleuze-guattarian animal-becoming, we will relate the latter with the Derridian overcoming of animal/man dualism, based on “Amerindian perspectivism” (de Castro, 2013). This, in the Yanomami perspective, manages to make the heterogeneity between ‘sensible’ and ‘intelligible’ a communicative bridge between the Derridian theory of writing and the deleuzian anomaly as the becoming-minor of thought. Finally, the iconic intensities of Baniwa shamanism will bring the Amerindian perspectivism closer to the horizontality of the Deleuzian minor-becoming. El diálogo entre Derrida y el pensamiento amazónico remonta a De la gramatología, cuestionando el etnocentrismo subyacente a la interpretación lévi-straussiana del aprendizaje escrito de los nambikwara. Por su parte, Deleuze y Guattari defienden una desterritorialización mutua entre hombre y animal que, mediante la tensión entre ‘mayor’ y ‘menor’, marca la posibilidad de nuestros devenires. Solo lo menor constituye un devenir-del-pensamiento capaz de promover imprevisibles manifestaciones de vida. A pesar de una cierta lejanía de Derrida frente al devenir-animal deleuze-guattariano, relacionaremos este último con la superación derridiana del dualismo animal/hombre, a partir del “perspectivismo amerindio” (de Castro, 2013). Éste, en la perspectiva yanomami, logra hacer de la heterogeneidad entre ‘sensible’ e ‘inteligible’, un puente comunicativo entre la teoría derridiana de la escritura y lo anómalo deleuziano como devenir-menor del pensamiento. Finalmente, las intensidades icónicas del chamanismo baniwa acercarán el perspectivismo amerindio a la horizontalidad del devenir-menor deleuziano.
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