Efectos clínicos del entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio en pacientes con limitación crónica del flujo aéreo
1995Registro en:
Lisboa Basualto, Carmen
Villafranca, Carlos
Pertuzé, Julio
Leiva, A.
Repetto Lisboa, Paula Beatriz
The clinical role of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has not been established, because data on its clinical effect is scarce and controversial. To further investigate these aspects we studied 20 COPD patients (FEV1 37 +/- 3% P) who were randomly and double blindly trained for 30 minutes a day during 10 weeks using a threshold inspiratory trainer with either 30% (group 1) or 10% (group 2) of PIMax as a training load. The training load was crossed after each patient completed 10 weeks of training. Effects were assessed through changes in PIMax, dyspnea through the transition dyspnea index (ITD) and the respiratory effort with Borg's score. Walking capacity was measured with the six minutes walking distance test (6WD) and depression symptoms with Beck's score. Daily life activities were also assessed. Results showed that after 10 weeks of IMT, PIMax increased in both groups (p < 0.05), dyspnea improved in group 1 as compared to group 2 (p < 0.04), 6WD increased significantly in patients of group 1, who also complained of less dyspnea (p < 0.05). Depression scores fell significantly in group 2. Daily activities improved more in group 1. After the crossover patients in group 1 disclosed a significant deterioration in PIMax whereas group 2 disclosed significant improvements in PIMax, dyspnea and 6WD. We conclude that IMT using a threshold device with 30% PIMax is a useful procedure for the treatment of severe COPD patients.