Training, graduates, employability and nursing salaries in Chile
Valencia-Contrera, Miguel
Ardiles-Irarrazabal, Rodrigo
Rivera-Rojas, Flérida
Villa-Velásquez, Jenifer
Introduction: Nursing is the largest occupational group in the health sector, representing approximately 59%, however, there is a worldwide shortage of professionals, which is especially relevant when the importance of nursing, both in numbers and education for global public health, has been described.
Objective: To analyze the number of students enrolled, duration, number of graduates, professional training, and salary of nurses in Chile.
Methods: Reflection article based on the bibliographic methodology, whose sample used was documentary.
Results: The number of people enrolled in nursing, the standard and actual duration of education in the Chilean educational system, the number of graduates, and finally, professional training and salary were described.
Conclusion: In 2022 there were 6958 students enrolled in nursing, the standard duration in Chile is 10 semesters, while the actual duration is approximately 12 semesters; as for the number of graduated professionals, in 2021 there were 7332; professional training in 2021 was 97.9% in the first year and a salary of $2,104 USD per month was identified in the fifth year of graduation.