Uses of quantification and modelling category. The case of antimicrobial coating development
Gaete-Peralta, Claudio
Delgado, Katherine
Huincahue, Jaime
In order to provide elements for the construction of reference frameworks that allow the educational community to value and recover the uses of mathematical knowledge of people that occur in specific situations in their daily life, the aim of this research was to analyse the uses of quantification that emerge in
a specific situation of measurement by a professional community. To address this objective, the uses of quantification of a chemical engineer were analysed by means of a debate between performance and form in a specific measurement situation whose argumentation was given by the quantification of grams of additive necessary to elaborate an antimicrobial coating. The results of this research allowed to account for the
uses of quantification that emerged by the chemical engineer in this specific measurement situation. Among the conclusions, this research allowed the identification of epistemological aspects and contextualised rationalities that emerged in this situation and that are expected to provide elements for the construction of this type of reference frameworks.