Sensitivity of radiative and thermal properties of building material in the urban atmosphere
Bueno-Morais, Marcos V.
Urbina Guerrero, Viviana V.
Dias de Freitas, Edmilson
Marciotto, Edson R.
Valdes, H.
Correa, Christian
Agredano-Martín, Roberto
Vera-Puerto, Ismael L.
In the context of the impact of urbanization on climate change, this work aims to evaluate the sensitivity of the thermal and radiative properties of building surfaces in urban areas to the urban heat island intensity, a local scale meteorological phenomenon. For this, variations of albedo values, emissivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity of roofs, streets and walls were simulated through an urban scheme coupled with the BRAMS mesoscale atmospheric model for the metropolitan area of São Paulo, considering two main urban types. The simulations show that, in general, looking for cold surface situations, the change of building material can contribute to a reduction of up to 3 °C for São Paulo. In addition, the role of orientation and the typological characteristics of constructions should be taken into account. In this sense, it is expected that this work guides civil engineers and builders to search for new materials in order to reduce the effects of urbanization on the local climate.