Difficulties in the professional insertion of novice primary education teachers: a state of the art
Carreño-Adasme, Mónica
Gaete-Peralta, Claudio
Huincahue, Jaime
The insertion of novice teachers into the professional practice is a transcendental, complex and challenging stage in the milestone of being a teacher. In this regard, the accompaniment of mentors or trained professionals to support this process of labor insertion has become an alternative that, slowly and progressively, is being recognized in teacher training in Latin America. To identify future focuses of development for the education of the novice teacher, the objective of this research was to provide a state of the art on Latin American research that addresses the difficulties in the insertion of primary education teachers into the educational system. Among the conclusions of the research, new teachers in Latin America present difficulties in the use of didactic methodologies, in the development and implementation of classes and the design of evaluation instruments, which can be improved through the implementation of mentoring