| Article
Elicitation of phenylpropanoids in maqui (Aristotelia chilensis [Mol.] Stuntz) plants micropropagated in photomixotrophic temporary immersion bioreactors (TIBs)
Trentini, Giulia E.
Rojas, Makarena
Gajardo, Daniela
Alburquenque, Débora
Villagra, Evelyn
Gómez, Aleydis
Arru, Laura
Arencibia-Rodríguez, Ariel
A biotechnological system for the production of plants biomass and phenylpropanoids of maqui was developed in photomixotrophic TIBs. The in vitro maqui multiplication was evaluated using combinations of TDZ and BAP in TIBs 1L capacity. Treatment of MS basal supplemented with TDZ 1 mg/L shows the best results for the variables fresh weight and multiplication rate. Photomixotrophic conditions were standardized in media with 3%, 2%, 1%, 0% sucrose at a light intensity of 100 µM m−2 s−1. The treatments reduced in sucrose (1 and 2%) and air supplemented with 0.4 MPa CO2 do not differ significantly in biomass production (fresh weight per cluster of plants) compared to the control treatment with sucrose 3% and standard air. Treatment with ABA (1 m/l) induced the production and accumulation of phenylpropanoids metabolites in maqui cultures bioreactors. Phenylpropanoids in in vitro biomass of maqui and culture medium from TIBs were determined in parallel with control samples from wild plants and mature fruits. After the third day of analysis, not significant differences in polyphenols and anthocyanin contents were verified between the treatments of maqui in TIBs + ABA and controls. The non-significant differences in the contents of polyphenols and anthocyanin were maintained until the 15 days of analysis. The antioxidant capacity comparing samples of maqui in bioreactors and wild plants showed no significant differences by the ORAC test from day 5 to day 15 of the study. Results originate an optimized methodology that was scale to SETIS™ bioreactors of 5L capacity.