Seeing is believing: Smart use of musculoskeletal ultrasound in rheumatology practice
Koppikar, Sahil
Díaz Álvarez, Pamela Alejandra
Kaeley, Gurjit S.
Eder, Lihi
Musculoskeletal ultrasonography has become an increasingly valuable tool as a complement to the physical exam in rheumatology practice. Its point-of-care access, low cost, safety, portability, and reliability in trained hands, make this technique especially useful in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Growing evidence has demonstrated the value of musculoskeletal ultrasound in the detection of inflammatory and structural changes in patients with joint pain without obvious joint swelling, in differentiating various inflammatory diagnoses, in the monitoring of inflammatory arthritis, and interventional procedures. The potential role of ultrasound guiding treat-to-target strategies or tapering treatment in inflammatory arthritis requires further research. However, musculoskeletal ultrasound can also have pitfalls and limitations that a clinician should be aware of.