Análisis de la cadena de suministro de combustible para minería subterránea
Pérez Tudela, Vicente Alejandro
Lo relevante en esta tesis, es calcular el combustible requerido en una operación minera a gran profundidad, con la descripción de la cadena de abastecimiento de combustible y la descripción de los equipos involucrados para cumplir este objetivo.
Para la minería subterránea y la profundidad que esta conlleva, constituye un problema logístico sin una solución actualizada, por lo que la cadena de abastecimiento de combustible en operaciones mineras a gran profundidad requiere un nuevo enfoque de diseño logístico y cadena de abastecimiento. The following tesis have the object to talk, describe the logistics and fuel supply chain in underground mining.
As we know, the mining operations in the world are changing to underground mining, that situation lead to bigger depth in the project, restrictions about the size of the equipment, distance to travel to refuel the equipment and longer cicle time of same trucks. Also the mine production (tonnage) and the infraestructure are not developing in the same percentage, this create a logistic problem with out actual solutions.
This documents have for main objectives the calculation of fuel demand for a underground operation, describe fuel supply chain for a undergroung mining operation and the comparative analisis (technical and economic) between two diferrent sistems of fuel supply chain.
The first of this sistems its throug pipelines created from the surface to the mine and the second its using fuel trucks of 15 m3.
The economics indicators to use are VAC (cost actual value) and CAE (Cost Anual Equivalent) to evaluate both sistems in the mine. Being the cost of refuel fuel using pipelines 83 (USD/m3), 59% more cheaper than use fuel trucks for the same work.