Atividade do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf e Citral contra leishmaniose visceral
Brito, Ana Maria Guedes de
In Brazil leishmaniasis reach 19 states, and more than 90% of human cases of the disease are concentrated in Northeast region, there is still important regions foci in the Midwest, North and Southeast regions. Studies point for the occurrence of about 20.000 new cases annually of the disease. The need for new drugs more effective, safe and accessible for the treatment of leishmaniasis, visceral in particular, later on, affects liver, spleen, reticuloendothelial system, bone marrow and lymph nodes becomes relevant. Furthermore, according to the World Health Organization, the plant species are the best and major source of drugs for humanity and Brazil has 60.7% of its territory of natural and planted forests, representing the second largest forest area in the world, only behind from Russia. Thus, this study aimed investigated the activities of the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus and Citral against Leishmania (L.) chagasi. In order for this to happen, oil from fresh leaves were harvested on the Mother Earth farm, located in Santana do Sao Francisco/SE. The Citral was acquired from Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany). Gaseous Chromatography and Detections by Flame Ionization were carried to identify its chemical constituents, just like an evaluation of inhibitory concentrations 50% in promastigotes and amastigotes in Leishmania mentioned beforehand, cytotoxicity assays, nitric oxide production and fluorescence to detect possible increase of membrane permeability in the presence of Citral were developed. Pharmacological activities were found in promastigotes (CI50/48 hours 25 Êg/mL for oil and 30 Êg/mL for Citral), however, activities were not found in amastigotes. The cytotoxicity (CI50 was 26.25 Êg/mL for oil and 33.96 Êg/mL for Citral). As for the increased production of nitric oxide, this did not occur, however, pore formation was observed in cell membranes of promastigotes in the presence of Citral. Therefore, the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus and Citral may come to be used as preventive measure against visceral leishmaniasis. Since the promastigotes are the ways that infect vertebrates, including man. No Brasil as leishmanioses atingem 19 estados, sendo que mais de 90% dos casos humanos da doenca concentram-se na regiao Nordeste, havendo ainda focos importantes nas regioes Centro-Oeste, Norte e Sudeste. Estudos sinalizam para a ocorrencia de cerca de 20.000 casos anuais da doenca. A necessidade de novos farmacos mais eficazes, seguros e acessivel para o tratamento das leishmanioses, em especial a visceral, posto, acomete figado, baco, sistema reticuloendotelial, medula ossea e linfonodos torna-se relevante. De acordo com a Organizacao Mundial de Saude, as especies vegetais sao fontes de farmacos importantes para humanidade e o Brasil possui 60,7% do seu territorio de florestas naturais e plantadas, representando a segunda maior area florestal do mundo, atras apenas da Russia. Assim, esse estudo objetivou investigar as atividades do oleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus e Citral contra Leishmania (L.) chagasi. Para tal, obteve-se o oleo das folhas fresca colhidas na fazenda Mae Terra, localizada em Santana do Sao Francisco/SE, ja o Citral foi adquirido da Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany). Foram realizadas suas Cromatografias Gasosas e Deteccoes por Ionizacao de Chama para identificar seus constituintes quimicos, bem como avaliacao das concentracoes inibitorias 50% nas promastigotas e amastigotas na Leishmania supracitada, ensaios de citotoxicidade, producao de oxido nitrico e fluorescencia para detectar possivel aumento da permeabilidade de membrana em presenca do Citral foram desenvolvidos. Atividades farmacologicas foram constatadas em promastigotas (CI50/48 horas 25 Êg/mL para oleo e 30 Êg/mL para Citral), entretanto, nao foi encontrada acao nas amastigotas. A citotoxicidade (CI50 foi de 26,25 Êg/mL para oleo e 33,96 Êg/mL para Citral). Quanto ao aumento na producao de oxido nitrico, essa nao ocorreu, todavia, foi observada formacao de poros nas membranas celulares nos promastigotas em presenca de Citral. Portanto, o oleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus e Citral pode vir a ser usados como medida preventiva contra leishmaniose visceral. Uma vez que as promastigotas sao as formas que infectam os animais vertebrados, inclusive o homem.