A chegada de Bertolt Brecht no Brasil através de Antonio Abujamra e o Grupo Decisão
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Campos, Luiz
Antonio Abujamra, between 1958 and 1960, studies theater in France with directors Jean Villar of the Théâtre National Populaire (TNP) and Roger Planchon of the Théâtre de la Cité, and then passes through Germany to intern at the Berliner Ensemble, created by Bertolt Brecht and Helena Weigel, experiencing the dialectic epic theater studied and brought by Brecht. At the end of the 1950s, Brazil already had influences from the epic and dialectical theater, however, they were still embryonic, since these manifestations were more linked to the texts of the German dramatist than his practices in this dialectical epic theater. Antonio Abujamra, arrives in São Paulo at the end of 1960, putting into practice his theatrical experiences that were not so accepted in São Paulo, since the theater practiced at that time was linked to dramatic forms. Antonio Abujamra, in order to place and practice his political theater, created together with other artists, in 1963, the Grupo Decisão. Antonio Abujamra, entre 1958 e 1960, estudou teatro na França com os diretores Jean Villar do Théâtre National Populaire (TNP) e Roger Planchon do Théâtre de la Cité, e na sequencia passou pela Alemanha para estagiar no Berliner Ensemble, criada por Bertolt Brecht e Helena Weigel, vivenciando o teatro épico dialético estudado e trazidos por Brecht. No final da década de 1950, o Brasil já tinha influências do teatro épico e dialético, porém, eram ainda embrionárias, pois essas manifestações estavam mais ligadas aos textos do dramaturgo alemão do que as suas práticas deste teatro épico dialético. Antonio Abujamra, chegou em São Paulo no final de 1960, colocando em prática suas experiências épicas teatrais que não foram tão aceitas na capital paulista, visto que o teatro praticado naquele período estava ligado as formas dramáticas. Antonio Abujamra, para colocar e praticar seu teatro político, criou em conjunto com outros artistas, em 1963, o Grupo Decisão.