A condição expositiva e sua relação com o mercado de arte
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Oliveira, Emerson Dionísio Gomes de
The exhibition condition and its relationship with the art market. The present article seeks to position a history of the art exhibition in front of a history of the art Market and its institutions. From this perspective, we chose to build an axis between exhibitions, markets and museums. Axis that selects specific points of intersection between the history of art and a history of the exhibitions. Finally, we present a problem for such an axis, whose premise is based on the creation, by the artists, of new exhibition regimes, capable of unfolding the work of art in different modalities of visibility. A condition that requires a history of art that deals with the transitoriness of the work, its translation, its re-presentation in different forms of exhibition.
History of exhibitions; contemporary art; Art market; Art museums O presente artigo busca posicionar uma história das exposições de arte frente a uma história do mercado de arte e suas instituições. Nessa perspectiva, optamos por construir um eixo entre exposições, mercados e museus. Eixo que seleciona pontos específicos de intersecção entre a história da arte e uma história das exposições. Por fim, apresentamos um problema para tal eixo, cuja premissa funda-se na criação, pelos artistas, de novos regimes expositivos, capazes de desdobrar a obra de arte em diferentes modalidades de visibilidade. Condição que exige uma história da arte que lide com a transitoriedade da obra, sua tradução, sua reapresentação em distintas formas de exibição.
The exhibition condition and its relationship with the art market. The present article seeks to position a history of the art exhibition in front of a history of the art Market and its institutions. From this perspective, we chose to build an axis between exhibitions, markets and museums. Axis that selects specific points of intersection between the history of art and a history of the exhibitions. Finally, we present a problem for such an axis, whose premise is based on the creation, by the artists, of new exhibition regimes, capable of unfolding the work of art in different modalities of visibility. A condition that requires a history of art that deals with the transitoriness of the work, its translation, its re-presentation in different forms of exhibition.
History of exhibitions; contemporary art; Art market; Art museums