Artigo de Periódico
O contexto das brincadeiras das crianças ribeirinhas da Ilha do Combu
The context of riverine children plays on Combu Island
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TEIXEIRA, Sônia Regina dos Santos
ALVES, José Moysés
This study describes the context of plays among preschoolers on Combu Island, near Belém, PA, focusing on aspects of physical and social environment as well as the main activities of adults and the peculiarities of the make-believe play. Thirteen children (11 boys and 2 girls,) aged between four and five years old participated in the research. The children and their relatives were interviewed, and the group was observed while playing at their homes. The play was analyzed with reference to the themes, their peer group, the location, the objects involved, and the implicit meaning in each activity. Although the children were in close contact with an urban setting, they showed a strong affinity with their riverine environment. O presente estudo descreve o contexto das brincadeiras de pré-escolares da Ilha do Combu, em Belém-Pará, destacando aspectos do ambiente físico e social, as principais atividades dos adultos e peculiaridades das brincadeiras. Participaram da pesquisa treze crianças de uma turma de educação infantil, onze meninos e duas meninas, entre quatro e cinco anos de idade. As crianças e seus familiares foram entrevistados. As crianças foram observadas brincando em suas casas. Foram analisados os temas, os parceiros, os locais, os objetos e os significados produzidos nas brincadeiras. Apesar de estarem em contato com o contexto urbano, as crianças mostraram-se vinculadas, principalmente, ao contexto ribeirinho.