Analysis of water management resources in the municipality of Erechim
Gestão ambiental em escolas públicas do município de Erechim
Registro en:
Staczak, Franciele
This work was developed with the objective to evaluate the Environmental Management (EM) implemented in public schools in the municipality of Erechim - RS, trying to establish a relationship between Environmental Education (EE) and Environmental Management (EM), as well as to demonstrate their importance to face the socioenvironmental challenges. The technique used for the data collection was a semi-structured interview, using as a 26-question questionnaire as a basis, aimed at the administrators of public schools in the municipality of Erechim. As a result, the research revealed that a significant part of the interviewed do not possess a good perception about what environmental management is and its importance in the school environment, in addition to being unaware the fundamental relationship that there is between EE and EM. In issues regarding the management of environmental aspects, it was verified that most schools act only with emphasis on garbage separation and there is not the management of the remaining aspects such as the rational usage of water, care with afforestation, beds of plants and monitoring the correct disposal of waste. Thus, it is inferred that the administration of schools are not prepared to work with EE and EM in a way that they can relate one with the other, which is not consistent with good sustainable practices that the school environment should provide. The analysis of the data also favored that some proposals and suggestions were made to schools, for example, a course aimed at school administrators about EE and EM, and a School Environmental Management Plan (SEMP), which should be continuous, permanent and that will contribute significantly to the process of environmental conservation. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com objetivo de avaliar a Gestão Ambiental (GA) implantada nas escolas públicas do município de Erechim – RS, procurando estabelecer a relação entre Educação Ambiental (EA) e Gestão Ambiental, bem como demonstrar sua importância para o enfrentamento dos desafios socioambientais. A técnica utilizada para a coleta de dados foi entrevista semi-estruturada, tendo como base um questionário de 26 questões, direcionado aos principais gestores das escolas públicas do município de Erechim