ISO 14004: identification of environmental aspects in food industry located in Rio Grande do Sul state
Norma ISO 14004: identificação de aspectos ambientais em uma indústria alimentícia localizada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Registration in:
Berneira, Viviane Montierre
Godecke, Marcos Vinicius
Consumers, laws and regulations are increasingly demanding regarding the environmental quality preservation, leading companies to conform their actions to a responsible attitude to the environment. In this sense, emphasis is added to seeking certifications related to the implementation of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). To implement an EMS, the ISO 14004 standard guides the organization to to know its environmental aspects and its resulting impacts, aimed at continuous improvement of environmental quality. In view of this, through interviews, legal requirements verification and direct observation, an investigation was carried out on the relevant environmental aspects of a food industry located in the South of Rio Grande do Sul. Easily perceived in the company studied that an EMS could be implemented, because the company has been concerned to comply with the applicable legal environmental requirements. However, better internal systematization would be necessary in order to get the full qualification of its environmental management.Consumers, laws and regulations are increasingly demanding regarding the environmental quality preservation, leading companies to conform their actions to a responsible attitude to the environment. In this sense, emphasis is added to seeking certifications related to the implementation of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). To implement an EMS, the ISO 14004 standard guides the organization to to know its environmental aspects and its resulting impacts, aimed at continuous improvement of environmental quality. In view of this, through interviews, legal requirements verification and direct observation, an investigation was carried out on the relevant environmental aspects of a food industry located in the South of Rio Grande do Sul. Easily perceived in the company studied that an EMS could be implemented, because the company has been concerned to comply with the applicable legal environmental requirements. However, better internal systematization would be necessary in order to get the full qualification of its environmental management. Os consumidores, as leis e as normas estão cada vez mais exigentes quanto à preservação da qualidade ambiental, levando as empresas a adequarem suas ações para uma atitude responsável com o meio ambiente. Nesse sentido, acentua-se a busca de certificações relacionadas à implementação de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental (SGA). Para implementar um SGA, a norma ISO 14004 orienta a organização a conhecer seus aspectos ambientais e os impactos daí oriundos, visando à melhoria contínua da qualidade ambiental. Tendo isso em vista, por meio de entrevistas, verificação de requisitos legais e observação direta, este estudo realizou uma investigação acerca dos aspectos ambientais relevantes de uma indústria alimentícia situada na Região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Percebeu-se que um SGA, no caso da empresa em questão, poderia ser facilmente implementado, pois a empresa vem se preocupando em cumprir os requisitos ambientais legais aplicáveis. Contudo, seria necessária uma melhor sistematização interna, a fim de obter a completa qualificação da gestão ambiental da organização.