Multiplex polymerase chain reaction as an improved method for screening Histoplasma capsulatum mating types
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ALMEIDA-SILVA, Fernanda et al. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction as an improved method for screening Histoplasma capsulatum mating types. Memórias do Instiuto Oswaldo Cruz, v. 113, n. 10, p. 1-4, 2018.
Almeida-Silva, Fernando
Barbedo, Leonardo Silva
Taylor, Maria Lucia
Muniz, Mauro de Medeiros
Guimarães, Allan Jefferson
Zancopé-Oliveira, Rosely Maria
Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum, a heterothallic ascomycete. The sexual reproduction of this fungus is regulated by the mating type (MAT1) locus that contains MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs, which were identified by uniplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This study aimed to optimise single-step multiplex PCR for the accurate detection of the distinct mating types of H. capsulatum. Among the 26 isolates tested, 20 had MAT1-1 genotype, while six showed MAT1-2 genotype, in agreement with the uniplex PCR results. These results suggest that multiplex PCR is a fast and specific tool for screening H. capsulatum mating types.