A Promising Future for Stem-Cell-Based Therapies in Muscular Dystrophies-In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments to Boost Cellular Engraftment
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BEGHINI, Daniela Gois et al. A Promising Future for Stem-Cell-Based Therapies in Muscular Dystrophies—In Vitro and In Vivo Treatments to Boost Cellular Engraftment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, v. 20, n. 5433, p. 1-26, Oct. 2019.
Beghini, Daniela Gois
Horita, Samuel Iwao
Cardoso, Liana Monteiro da Fonseca
Alves, Luiz Anastacio
Nagaraju, Kanneboyina
Henriques-Pons, Andrea
Muscular dystrophies (MD) are a group of genetic diseases that lead to skeletal muscle wasting and may affect many organs (multisystem). Unfortunately, no curative therapies are available at present for MD patients, and current treatments mainly address the symptoms. Thus, stem-cell-based therapies may present hope for improvement of life quality and expectancy. Different stem cell types lead to skeletal muscle regeneration and they have potential to be used for cellular therapies, although with several limitations. In this review, we propose a combination of genetic, biochemical, and cell culture treatments to correct pathogenic genetic alterations and to increase proliferation, dispersion, fusion, and differentiation into new or hybrid myotubes. These boosted stem cells can also be injected into pretreate recipient muscles to improve engraftment. We believe that this combination of treatments targeting the limitations of stem-cell-based therapies may result in safer and more efficient therapies for MD patients. Matricryptins have also discussed.