Pathology of the spleen in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Morphometric evaluation and extracellular matrix changes
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FREITAS, C.R. et al. Pathology of the spleen in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Morphometric evaluation and extracellular matrix changes. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, v. 94, n. 6, p. 815-22, nov.-dec. 1999.
Freitas, Carla Rangel Leite
Barbosa Junior, Aryon de Almeida
Fernandes, André L. M
Andrade, Zilton de Araújo
Histological, ultrastructural, morphometric and immunohistochemical data obtained from the study of spleens removed by splenectomy from 34 patients with advanced hepatosplenic schistosomiasis revealed that the main alterations were congestive dilatation of the venous sinuses and diffuse thickening of the splenic cords. Splenic cord thickening was due to an increase of its matrix components, especially type IV collagen and laminin, with the conspicuous absence of interstitial collagens, either of type I or type III. Deposition of interstitial collagens (types I and III) occurred in scattered, small focal areas of the red pulp, but in the outside of the walls of the venous sinuses, in lymph follicles, marginal zone, in the vicinity of fibrous trabeculae and in sidero-sclerotic nodules. However, fibrosis was not a prominent change in schistosomal splenomegaly and thus the designation "fibro-congestive splenomegaly" seems inadequate. Lymph follicles exhibited variable degrees of atrophy, hyperplasia and fibrous replacement, sometimes all of them seen in different follicles of the same spleen and even in the same examined section. Changes in white pulp did not seem to greatly contribute to increasing spleen size and weight, when compared to the much more significant red pulp enlargement.