Phase transition of quantum light-matter systems
Figueroa Álvarez, Joaquín Rubén Jesús
Strong correlation e ects emerge from light-matter interactions in coupled resonator
arrays, such as the Mott-Insulator to super
uid phase transition of atom-photon
excitations are among the most interesting phenomena in the eld of quantum optics
and quantum simulations. This Thesis focuses on the study of the transition from
Mott-Insulator to Super
uid phase of weakly coupled resonator arrays each one
doped with a two-level system. We discover that quenched dynamics of a nite-sized
complex array of coupled resonators induces a rst-order like phase transition. We
demonstrate that the latter is accompanied by nucleation of super
uid-light domains
that can be used to manipulate the photonic transport properties of the simulated
uid phase; this in turn leads to an empirical scaling law. On the other hand,
adiabatic dynamics resembles a second order phase transition inducing a continous
change of the state of the system. First, we study the formation of dressed quantum
polariton states and the e ective photon-photon interaction between them. This
system is described by the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model. If the frequency of
the resonator mode and the two-level system are close to resonance the e ective
photonic repulsion prevents the presence of more than one polaritonic excitations in
the resonator, due to the photon-blockade e ect. Detuning the atomic and photonic
frequencies reduces this e ect and leads the system to a photonic super
uid phase.
We nd that a nucleated super
uid photon state emerges in a localized way, which
depends on the topology of the array. This avalanche-like behavior leads to a universal
scaling law between the critical parameters of the super
uid state and the
average connectivity.
The second problem refers to the e ect of the anisotropic distribution of lightmatter
coupling across di erent sites of the array and the two level system frequency
anistropy on the dynamics of the phase transition. We obtain the modulation and resonance of super
uid states. This highlights the topological properties of the array,
and how they can be used to manipulate the photonic transport.
The validity of our results encompasses a wide range of complex architectures
that might lead to a promising device for use in scaled quantum simulations.