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Internship at “El Recuerdo” child care center under the Program My First Steps from Unicordoba
Vergara Álvarez, Luisa Fernanda
The University of Córdoba offers the internship program as a selectable choice for students to attain a professional degree. Córdoba Transformada is a macro project elaborated by the university to create a positive impact in the Department of Córdoba. There are micro projects such as “Mis primeros pasos” and “Speakers” that are a part of the macro project. The latter project was the context in which the internship process was going to take place. However, the global pandemic prevented a traditional internship to be carried out, which limited interns to lesson planning. 1. Introduction ------------ 8 2. Pedagogical strategies ------------ 10 2.1 EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING (EXL) ------------ 10 2.2 PROJECT-BASED LEARNING (PBL) ------------ 11 2.3 HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES ------------ 13 2.4 GAMIFICATION ------------ 14 3. Methodology ------------ 16 4. Experience and contributions ------------ 21 4.1 COURSES AND WORKSHOPS ------------ 21 4.2 UNIT DESIGN ------------ 24 4.3 LESSON DESIGN ------------ 26 5. Conclusions and recommendations ------------ 31 6. Limitations ------------ 33 References ------------ 35 Appendix ------------ 38 Pregrado Licenciado(a) en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Inglés