Análisis de un plan de beneficios y la rotación del personal de cobranzas en la empresa de call center Contacto solutions en Bogotá - Colombia
Tautiva-Pulido, Adriana del Pilar
Guzman-Díaz, Karen Lisseth
In the present study, we will seek to determine the most relevant points in the analysis of a company’s social benefit plan with the turnover rate of collection personnel of a call center company in Bogotá DC. To evaluate the mentioned variables, we will take into account It has two phases: 1. The preliminary project: process in which the bibliographic search was carried out and all the most representative data of the empirical review were collected, in order to determine the instruments and structure the study procedure, 2. The execution of the Project : In this second phase, the instruments that were previously organized will be applied in order to check if there are statistically significant differences between the influence of a benefit plan and the personal turnover rate.