Universitaria Agustiniana (Colombia)
La importancia del desarrollo de las habilidades blandas en los estudiantes de administración de empresas de la universitaria agustiniana post-COVID-19
The objective of this document is to offer the bases to promote the instruction of soft skills within the comprehensive training of the business administrator, seeking answer how the Agustiniana University can contribute ... -
Influencia de la Inteligencia Emocional en la tasa de rotación de la empresa Atento S.A. en el periodo de marzo-agosto de 2022
The present investigative work is based on identifying how emotional intelligence influences the variation of the turnover rate of the company Atento S.A. in the period between March and August 2022, it seeks to ... -
Actualización de la Guía y Creación de Manual para revisión, liquidación y registro de las cuentas por pagar del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo (MinCIT) en el Sistema Integrado de Información Financiera (SIIF) NACIÓN.
This document presents the final report of the professional internship entitled "Update of the Guide and Creation of Manual for review, settlement and registration of accounts payable of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry ... -
Propuesta de una ruta de turismo gastronómico a partir de los amasijos en los municipios de Ventaquemada, Santa Sofia, Sutamarchan y Villa de Leyva de Boyacá.
The kneading are a product consumed by many people but are not recognized for their gastronomic and touristic potential, the purpose of having developed a proposal for a gastronomic tourism route based on the kneading in ... -
Diseño e implementación de una red Gpon de fibra óptica para la zona rural en la Vereda el salitre de la Calera Cundinamarca
This document talks about the design and implementation of a network that was carried out in order to provide internet and television service for the Vereda el Salitre of the municipality of La Calera, which shows the step ... -
Plan de gestión de talento humano en la empresa Bogotá Beer Company (BBC) para la fidelización y reclutamiento de sus colaboradores para el año 2023.
Human talent is one of the most important resources within companies and therefore the loyalty and retention of human resources within it, is an issue that is becoming increasingly important for the organizational ... -
Plan de comunicación digital para impulsar el crecimiento comercial de la Agencia de Publicidad Dedo Gordo
This project proposes the design of a digital communication plan for the Dedo Gordo Advertising Agency with the general objective of reinforcing the commercial strategy of the organization and attracting new clients. The ... -
Análisis de la Reconstrucción de Memoria Histórica del origen del Narcotráfico: Un estudio de Caso de la Película Colombiana Pájaros de Verano
This investigation focused on investigating and knowing if the cinema can be considered a source of information about a historical event, in addition to this, it was analyzed if the Colombian film Pájaros de Verano shows ... -
Diseño e implementación de un manual descriptivo para la presentación de una información exógena tributaria ante la DIAN para Intevo S.A.S en el año 2022
The present work is the result of the internship developed in the financial and accounting area of the company Intevo S.A.S, a simplified joint stock company, this company belongs to a business holding company in the ... -
Sistema automático de fertirrigación para cultivos de vegetales bajo techo
Due to climate change caused by greenhouse gases (GHG) in conjunction with other factors, current food production models do not guarantee food security for a growing population, which makes it necessary to opt for using ... -
Propuesta y diseño de máquina que toma dimensiones de cajas y realiza seguimiento de despachos en la empresa Truck Shop by Parts
Knowing that man daily becomes more complex and demands attention to his work or his products, besides acquiring many more needs than before; in this way the CMM not only can (and does) meet man's requirements with respect ... -
Diseño de invernadero para un cultivo de vegetales
The main objective of this thesis is to develop the first phases of an intelligent greenhouse that allows the cultivation of representative vegetables of Colombian agriculture in order to improve the quality and quantity ... -
Análisis de las estrategias, técnicas y herramientas del marketing digital en la aplicación a startups fintech
The aim of the research was to identify the effects of digital marketing with a focus on Fintech startups in the framework of covid-19 in Colombia, this was done through frameworks, where we sought to inquire about the ... -
Comparación Régimen Ordinario Y Régimen Simple De Tributación
It is planned to create a company which will be dedicated mainly to the provision of services professionals for companies in the public and private sectors, and must benefit from some regime of taxation, will be created ... -
Aplicacion movil para identificar los diferentes componentes que tiene una red Wifi
The application will have the display of the different components that a Wi-Fi network has, since when loading a file on a platform called Firebase, the Json file will be loaded, which will have all the information of the ... -
Prototipo de un entorno interactivo multijugador accesible en realidad virtual inmersiva basado en la arquitectura de microservicios
The Prototype project of an interactive multiplayer environment accessible in virtual reality immersive based on the microservices architecture is a software in which a tour in the Uniagustiniana with several people ... -
Prototipo de un software de realidad aumentada para visualizar información digital en los laboratorios de la facultad de ingeniería de la Universitaria Agustiniana
The present work is developed with the purpose of supporting the students of the Agustiniana University within the laboratories of the faculty of engineering, this will be done in order to explain what they are, what the ... -
Propuesta para implementar el nuevo túnel de congelamiento de la extrusora en la empresa meals de colombia s. a. s.
The freezing tunnel of extruder 3 in the company Meals de Colombia S.A.S presents a deterioration in its structure and design due to a pronounced unevenness in the ground that is the product of wear and freezing over the ... -
Desarrollo de una aplicación de escritorio para la sistematización del proceso de citas e inventarios del taller mecánico Apache Company
This document is intended to capture each of the software requirements for the development and deployment of the AppacheCompany desktop application. Each of the benefits of the system will be shown, the development methodology ... -
Implementación de una aplicación web, para el control del inventario y ventas de un Restaurante Parrilla Bar
we can appreciate how today this new technological era advances exponentially, which leads us to see other methods and tools that help us boost our businesses and ventures, which is why it is decided to create a web ...