Análisis de las principales causales de despido en el sector textil en la ciudad de Bogotá por efecto del COVID19 durante el año 2020
Zapata Muñoz, Carlos Julio
Diaz Herazo, Deiby David
Espinal Fierro, Karen
De La Espriella Correa, Ludwing
This research project analyzes the main causes of dismissal generated in the textile sector as a consequence of the health emergency of Covid19 during 2020. This allowed us to show under a documentary review, a description collected under various bibliographic data that showed us the social and economic reality of our country. In this sense, this document catalogs and classifies the monographic documentation based on the regulations, and the different collection analysis techniques that managed to categorize the main actors, who participated in theoretical and referential actions. That being said, we were able to identify the economic crisis that impacted the world and generated macroeconomic failures. To achieve this, we reviewed government and private sources, in order to show the great impact generated in a real and grounded context.
As a result, it is possible to show that the institutions before dismissing their workers contemplated preventive measures to guarantee the employment, and we were able to identify the following actions: early and collective vacations, employment contract temporary suspensions, pay cuts, online work, support from partial severance assistance programs and shift work, these being the most used.
Despite all these measures, the textile sector has shown great economic losses, because most of the companies that compose it worked at 45% of their production capacity, which to a large extent managed to impact their revenue, and this as a consequence resulted in layoffs, due to the closure of small and mediumsized companies that did not have sufficient financial muscle