| Dissertação
Concursos de arquitetura como alternativa para a preservação do patrimônio histórico construído
Vescia, Jenifer Petry
Historically, achievement competitions for the selection of architectural projects have been a
common practice. Whether by opportunity or recognition, countless architects participate in
these competitions and great names in architecture have gained notoriety through them. This
research, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Heritage, in the research theme
Architecture and Material Heritage, aims to analyze the efficiency and the possibilities of
architectural competitions in historic building’s interventions, whether they are or not subject
to legal protection. The issue of heritage preservation is a social and diverse practice,
reproducing the contradictions of the society and their conflicts. The confrontation between
public policies, preservation and private interests manifests controversies that demand new
practices in heritage preservation. In Brazil, although significant competitions have highlighted
practices and encouraged national architecture, the method in the country still requires
consistency and regulation. Several mistakes in the realization of architectural competitions
reflect on limited practical results, with only a few winners being hired and works being built.
With the bibliographical and exploratory method, through a bibliographical referential that goes
through the history and scope of architectural competitions, as well as an analysis of the
legislation, this work converges to competition’s case studies, selected from this research. The
results seem to show that, although there are means of legal protection, there is resistance by
contractors and public managers to hold competitions, a factor that reflects in the low
attendance of this type of competition in Rio Grande do Sul. In general, the bureaucratic barriers
and lack of confidence in the process and its results bring low expectations for the realization
of architectural competitions in historical heritage. Through these analyses and comparisons, a
guiding booklet was produced for the organization of architectural competitions in heritage
sites, which brings together characteristics, regulations and comments for the implementation
of these competitions in an effective and efficient manner in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.