O racismo como tema transversal na formação acadêmica de psicólogas(os) em Santa Maria - RS
Santos, Ticiane Lúcia dos
Since the colonial era, the Brazilian population has been facing consequences of the racist
ideology that maintains the racial hierarchy from which the White population benefits
materially and symbolically, whereas the Black population fights against social inequality for
centuries. Studying racism within the structure of Brazilian society is fundamental to
understanding how the process of subjectivation occurs through racial markers, causing
psychosocial effects that can be observed in the psychology practice. This study was drawn
aiming to comprehend whether the content about racism takes part in the academic training
and education of psychologists. This study was characterized as a qualitative, descriptive and
exploratory research and had the participation of fourteen psychologists in the city of Santa
Maria - RS. The researcher used as instruments for collecting the information, a field diary
written, an online questionnaire and a semi-structured interview and the hermeneuticdialectical analysis was used to analyze the information. The results are organized and
presented in the following three articles: 1- The first article discusses the comprehension of
psychologists towards racism; 2- The second presents the study about racism during
psychology academic training; 3- The third article contains a debate about decoloniality as a
theoretical and social intervention program that may assist the process of (re)construction of
psychology curriculum. The study concludes that the interviewed psychologists understand
the importance of the markers of race and racism in the process of subjectivation of
Brazilians, and even though the topic was often absent in their undergraduate curriculums,
these professionals have been seeking training in racial issues. Therefore, this study defends
changes in the structure of the academic psychology curriculum through guidelines and
similar resources that shall consider mandatory contents to be taught such as racism, in order
to obtain more contextualized and socially relevant training. We understand that decoloniality
is a critical perspective capable of referencing this search for a diversified curriculum that
may integrate social realities.