Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Estudo das diferentes tecnologias de gaseificação de biomassa
Paulo, Luiz Felipe De
This work constitutes a study of the types of technologies used in the process of gasification of biomass, as well as presents the different types of biomass and the generated residues.The present work aims to predict the final gas composition using pecan nut shells as biomass. The methodology used in this work presents a literature review of the technologies used to define the operation parameters of the gasifier. To define the elements of the gas formed after the gasification process exit, the process simulation and management software, EMSO (Environ-ment for Modeling, Simulation and Optimizatio, developed by the ALSOC laboratory at the Federal University of Rio Grande do SUL) was used. (UFRGS) and freely available for use. The simulation is oriented to equations that use mass and energy balance, and processes of removal of contaminants present in the final product. Through the performed simulation, it is possible to predict the operating range of the reactor and the final concentration of the gas. Through the simulation and choice of the reactor, the appropriate reactor operating range is assumed in order to obtain the highest concentration of CH4 and H2 from the chosen biomass. The model presents significant results for the choice of the pecan nut shell as biomass, mak-ing its use attractive in the production of synthetic gas, in which a greater use of the bio mass at low operating temperatures, between 450 and 750 ºC, since there is an increase in the for-mation of CH4 and H2.