Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Construindo pontes: o Serviço Social e o acesso ao direito à convivência familiar de idosas institucionalizadas
2014-11-26Registro en:
LEIMANN, E. V. Construindo pontes: o Serviço Social e o acesso ao direito à convivência familiar de idosas institucionalizadas. 2014. 64 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2014.
Leimann, Emily Victória
The fast aging process of the population is an unprecedented phenomenon in Brazil.
This change affects several areas of the brazilian society and relationship within the family.
The Institutions for long stay for elderly become, in many cases one of the few or only
alternative for many elderlies and their families. Thus, the present paper is a theoretical practical traineeship Report fruit of Social Work in a long-stay institution for the elderly in the
city of Santa Maria, where it was executed a Project of Intervention with families and
elderlies institutionalized addressing the issue of family acquaintanceship as a right and duty
of the institution to promote them.