Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Projeto conceitual de um reboque do tipo plataforma modular de eixo simples
Ferreira, Victhor Souza
The present work aimed at understanding the restrictions and design requirements of a trailer. The needs of the consumers were raised and then applied in the conceptual design of a vehicle through a product design methodology. The project was divided into the planning phase, informational design and conceptual design. Customer requirements were obtained by consumers themselves and product sellers. They were later evaluated according to the Mudge diagram and translated into project requirements with defined metrics and evaluation forms. The design requirements were evaluated using a quality function deployment (QFD) matrix in order to obtain the relative importance of each design requirement and rank them according to how important they were to meet customer needs. With this, it was possible to determine the product specifications and target values for the project requirements, which concluded the informational project and allowed the introduction to the conceptual design phase. In this one, the structure of the product functions was decomposed and potential solutions were pointed out so that it is possible to generate different vehicle conceptions. The resulting concept, after analysis according to the design requirements, described a vehicle intended for use in the most diverse ways and set accordingly in a quickly manner, with a simple structure for easy maintenance and reasonable reliability. The results and discussions provided the resulting concept was potentially prepared to meet the needs of consumers and able to advance to the next project design phases.