Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Particularidades da técnica fonoterapêutica de sons hiperagudos
Roman, Geise
Subject: the high-pitched sound consists of doing exercise series, in the high falsetto
registers, promoting an additional stretching of the vocal folds. Although a technique
of voice therapy, is used, there are few studies describing it, what makes that the
larynx modifications during its production are little known. Objective: to carry out a
revision of literature, describing found related to the use of the high-pitched sounds in
the clinic practice, to the anatomophysiology of its production and its effect in the
vocal tract, and the indications and problems of the technique for the disorder and
the perfectioning of the voice. Results: they were found reports of significant changes
in the vocal tract during the production of the high-pitched sound, as the relaxation of
the thyroarytenoid muscle (TA) the contraction of the cricoarytenoid muscle (CT),
balance of the emission in modal register, and increase of the vocal resistance, being
able to be used, with effectiveness, in cases of ventricular phonation, hyper
functional dysphonia, Reinke’s edema, vocal fold paralysis. Adductor spasmodic
dysphonia, as cooperater in the efficiency of the sphincters involved in the
deglutition, in psychogenic cases, puberphonia and vocal warm-up. Conclusion:
there are few studies exist that describe the larynx behavior during the high pitched
sound and, so that this speech, language and hearing techniques is used in a more
precise and objective way, it is believed that studies must be done that they aim to
prove its efficacy in the clinic practice.