Explanação na internet: violências digitais contra mulheres
Paz, Aline Amaral
This research located in the field of Communication, sought through the
theoretical and methodological approach of digital ethnography, to understand
the production of narratives on the internet from the circulation of intimate
contents of women without consent, called in the field by an emic term, named
as explanation . The research addresses the following problem – how does the
production of gender violence against women occur around the non-consensual
circulation of intimate content? With the general objective of understanding how
the narratives are organized to produce violence based on field cases related to
the dissemination of intimate content without consent. The specific objectives lie
in – identifying spaces that produce practices around the circulation of women's
intimate content; naming the spaces and practices developed through the nonconsensual circulation of intimate contents; and, analyze narratives produced
around violence against women based on the non-consensual circulation of
intimate content. For this, participant observation in online environments made
possible the ethnographic stay that presented the following elaborations as the
main results: the phenomenon that is presented, said explanation, moves away
from notions related to the term revenge pornography, usually associated with
domestic violence. This term differs due to nuances and specific impasses that
present other aspects, distanced from the molds understood by this formulation,
although, the consumption of these images can be characterized as
pornography. In this scenario, this type of violence committed against girls and
women through the wide exposure of their bodies and sexuality, not only goes
back to historical violence, but also establishes a re-updating with characteristics
typical of this medium. On the internet, it is possible to maintain and update rituals
of hegemonic masculinity, through the circulation of intimate content, it creates
and manufactures territories to be owned and dominated through women's
bodies. The massive circulation of intimate content is generated by the complicity
between users and platforms, thereby producing an ecosystem of content traffic,
which, the woman's body becomes raw material that feeds databases with nonconsensual accumulation and expropriation, highly profitable, symbolic and
material. In this context dominated by patriarchal neoliberal logics, I present other
narratives that emerge as modes of resistance, are activist and feminist networks
in expansion that produce practices related to the fight against gender violence
against women and communities of sexual diversity. In this direction, centered on analyzing gender issues with a focus on a specific type of violence addressed to
women, from online social dynamics, the thematic contours deal with digital
cultures and their communication processes that constitute meanings, above all,
are spaces for construction of territories and dispute of narratives, of the body, of
subjectivities and resistances.