Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Plano estadual de saúde e a judicialização da política pública
Nardi, Mariane Rabaioli Corbari
Objective: The present study seeks to analyze the aspects of the massification of
judicial claims for health treatments, to present information regarding the
phenomenon in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and its development, to discuss how
this phenomenon is used as a basis for the formulation of policies public by the
state entity in the State Health Plans. Methodologically, this is a qualitative study
and initially carried out based on bibliographic research on the subject and data
collection, with the aim of contextualizing judicialization, its relevance in the
state scenario and aspects related to public health management. . Conclusion: it
was found that the relationship between the judicialization of public health and
the guiding document of state public management in this policy has been a
constant since 2009, undergoing improvement and being a reflection of the reality
that is experienced.