Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
“Nada como um dia, após o outro dia”: a tradição oral presente no Disco de RAP de 2002 dos Racionais MC‘S
Santo, Vitor Vinicius Dias do Espírito
The respective work is premised on demonstrating how the songs present on the rap
album “Nada como um dia, após o outro dia”, by Racionais MC’S from 2002 can be
understood as oral-traditions. It is worth mentioning that these oral traditions are
important, as they allow us to understand different elements of the history of the
Afro-Brazilian population, in the post-abolition period. For the elaboration of this
research, I will think and work with music as a historical source, more specifically, I
seek to understand how the words sung on the rap record by the Racionais Mc's
group can be understood as important elements of a history of black people in the
post-war period. abolition, providing new analyzes on resistance and survival
strategies created by the Afro-Brazilian population, through the cultural field,
analyzing the “black family” and the “structural precariousness of freedom”, these two
historical categories that repeat throughout the rap album.