Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Uma investigação acerca dos impactos causados no cotidiano de pessoas que foram vítimas de LGBTfobia
Ten-Caten, Kéven Gomes Vale
This research considered daily aspects of the participants who were victims of
LGBTophobia in the city of Santa Maria - RS. Investigating the impacts that these
violence caused in the life of these subjects, analyzing the narratives and the
specificities of the experiences of each one. For this, the study worked with the
concept of daily life in Occupational Therapy and describes how the violence suffered
by the LGBT population is present in all social spaces. It is worth noting the
importance of expanding the discussions on LGBTfobia, considering the low
production of scientific articles in Occupational Therapy for this group. Thus the work
is characterized by the bias of the qualitative research of an interpretative character
and counted on the voluntary participation of LGBT people. The study sought a
greater understanding of how violence acts in people's lives and, as a result,
contributes to the intervention of occupational therapists and to further research on
this subject. It was found in this research that the fear of violence is perhaps the
impact that most influences the daily lives of the LGBT population in all areas of life,
violates human rights and disorganizes people as subjects of rights. In this sense, we
point out the importance of Occupational Therapists acting with this population in the
reconstruction of life projects, using strategies so that they recognize themselves as
agents transforming these realities, expanding their repertoires so that they know and
guarantee their rights and intensify the struggles for public policies against