O significado moral da compaixão: objeções e contra-objeções
Silveira, Peri Alexander da
Compassion is an emotion that responds to the suffering of others and motivates agents
to help and/or provide some type of relief to those in situations that demand moral
intervention. This suggests a fundamental moral aptitude. However, a significant group
of philosophers have raised objections to its ability to reliably contribute to properly
moral action. This study has as its fundamental objective to discuss the problem of the
moral value of compassion. Starting with an analysis of the nature of this emotion, the
main critiques of the moral character of compassion are discussed, and then the
responses that can be made to these critiques are analyzed. In addition, part of the
response to these criticisms is to demonstrate the relevance of compassion in applied
ethics and bioethics. I seek to show, in a partial way, that despite what critics of
compassion have claimed, there is room to argue that compassion has a central place in
morality and that it preserves the necessary properties for moral motivation and action.