Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Avaliação dos riscos da atividade da perícia criminal
Moro, Rafael Noal
This work has the objective to verify the occupational risks that the criminal experts
from the Criminology Post of Santa Maria/RS are exposed, based on the regalement
rules of the Work Ministry. Through this qualitative study carried out on the services
given by this post, some possible improvements related to this professional security
were evidenced. For that, the occurrences received were analyzed and observations
were made when facing the way in which the services are accomplish nowadays with
the work security rules. Some measures to improve the criminal expert work routine
are suggested in order to become it safer. The activity carried out by a criminal expert
is very important for the police inquest, however, the material and psychosocial risks
he takes facing these adverse situations on his routine should not allowed the expert
to ignore his own integrity.