Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Repercussões da vivência da maternidade para mães de crianças prematuras transferidas para a unidade de internação pediátrica do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria
Teixeira, Liliam Varaschini
Prematurity is a condition that occurs when the fetus is born prematurely. However, for the mother, in addition to the maternal health condition, there is the condition that is experienced when accompanying the baby's hospitalization, when she is aware that he has weaknesses in his body and that he needs special care. Objective: To analyze the repercussions on the experience of motherhood for mothers of premature children transferred from the Neonatal ICU to the Pediatric Inpatient Unit. Methodology: This is a descriptive and qualitative field study, taking place at the University Hospital of Santa Maria -HUSM. The participants were eight mothers of premature children transferred from the Neonatal ICU to the Pediatric Inpatient Unit. In data collection, the semi- structured interview technique was used, which was carried out in person, following the prevention standards against Covid-19. Results and discussion: It was noticed that hospitalization in pediatrics provided greater contact between the mother and the child and that the transfer to the pediatric hospitalization unit favored the mother's bond with the child. The Pediatric Inpatient Unit was considered a more peaceful environment for mothers to prepare for post-hospital discharge. Final considerations: It was observed that the experience of motherhood in a hospital environment, specifically, in the Pediatric Inpatient Unit, required a great effort and dedication from mothers to provide the necessary support for the premature baby, remaining as a companion during the hospitalization for 24 hours per day.