Educação patrimonial: Um olhar diferenciado sobre a Quarta Colônia - criação de uma lei regulamentando a educação patrimonial nas escolas públicas do município de Nova Palma/RS
Rossato, Jucemara
This dissertation refers to the research developed with the Graduate Program in Cultural Heritage of the Federal University of Santa Maria, in the area of Concentration and Research Line Cultural Heritage and History. The work addresses a reflection that starts from a literature review and relates it to the theme that involves a Heritage Education policy, in a perspective of its implementation in the territory that integrates the associated municipalities in a consortium - the Consórcio de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Quarta Colônia (CONDESUS), which are the basis of the formation and creation of the Geopark Quarta Colônia, certified by UNESCO. This proposal starts from the experience in the city of Nova Palma as a teacher and councilor and the appreciation of the work developed by Fr. Luiz Sponchido who has always been concerned with the preservation of documents and memory, materialized, among others, in the creation of the Center for Genealogical Research (Centro de Pesquisas Genealógicas - CPG). The CPG keeps documentation on the history of Italian immigration and regional history. This experience added the motivations of the actions of the projects previously developed by Pro-Identidade (the last two decades of the twentieth century), by the performance of CONDESUS Quarta Colônia and especially by the Patrimonial Education policy worked with the Education Commission, Culture and Communication of the Geopark Quarta Colônia since 2019, we propose the foundations for the creation of legislation that ensures the effectiveness and continuity of Heritage Education in schools in the municipality of Nova Palma. Thus, the resulting product was the drafting of the proposal of the Law, which has already been approved - Law nº 1881/21 Thus, there are several schools that are applying the Law, as well as it was inspiring for other municipalities of CONDESUS/Geopark Quarta Colônia.